It’s a common problem in beginners and they give up on programming because they think “programming
is not the cup of my tea”. You can’t deny that logic is the fundamental key to become a good developer. It
doesn’t matter if you are a front end developer or backend developer you really need to use logic in order
to solve a problem or optimize your code. Web Programing help you to Boost your Logical Skills.
Word processor, Application for Documentation, Creating a new document or as per templates,
Saving and Opening files, Spelling Checking, Formatting options and Format Painter
Use of Excel as a spreadsheet to maintain tabular data, Formatting – Data types, Format painter,
Borders & Shading, Alignment, Orientation, Text wrap options
Planning and Creating a simple presentation, Editing presentation and Formatting slides
I got a job of Rs. 30000/- salary pm as a Sr. Accounts Executive in an Infrastructure company after completing my Taxation Module of PAMS course at S-Tek.
Kumar Lokhande
I had worked under a CA for 1.5 years, I could not learn how to handle GST and TDS. I learnt Tally Erp 9 and Tally Prime with GST, TDS and ITR at S-Tek & I got a job as an Accounts Executive with a salary of Rs. 22000/- pm.
Jhanavi Bamane
The SAP training is project oriented and covers both User and Consultant level learning.
Jeson James Desoza