S-Tek Certified Data Science Technology

Course Objective

Module Objective: Data science is the future of Artificial Intelligence. It provides complex and advanced analytical tools and algorithms for processing, analyzing and drawing meaningful insights out of data. Data science is a blend of various tools, algorithms and machine learning principles with the goal to discover hidden patterns from the raw data.

Statistics & Machine Learning
  • Data Science Concepts
  • The Field of Data Science
  • Connecting the Data Science Disciplines
  • The benefits of each discipline
  • The popular data science tools
  • Statistic Principles
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics, Confidence Intervals
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Classification
  • Clustering, Associations
  • Mathematics Principles for Data Science and its use
Python, R Programming and Business Intelligence
  • Programming Tools: Python and R Programming
  • Data Science with Python & R Programming
  • Python Libraries-Ipython/Jupyter, Numpy, Scipy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Pandas, Scikit
  • R Packages
  • Functions in R
  • Data Visualization in R
Business Intelligence and Data Mining
  • Decision Making, Classification, Clustering
  • Business Intelligence Applications
  • Knowledge Management
  • Data Mining
Mini Project & Case Studies